A little light research today and a hop skip and jump from my house ! Chronicling the Order has been a a bit tedious and definitely full of ups and downs yall. Hats off to the real historians who do this for a living! There’s always a sense of anxiousness and stress because we know we are fighting against time to tell stories of people who can no longer speak for themselves.

The roster of names you see here are from our own lodge circa 1918 ! Wayman Lodge #1339 please stand up….

100 year old documents I’m doing my best to protect as they are badly damaged from a fire. Anyhow, I have been searching the names on these rosters in hopes of a new branch on our odd tree to help us better understand our scope and impact. Here I happened upon Mack White…. Knowing of our relationship with the #AMEconnection and seeing a fellow of the same name buried in their cemetery I was on to something. A little more digging and Eureka! I find that the cemetery isn’t more than a ten minute drive from my house! Long story short! I was honored to find and pay our brother a visit……


Til next time I leave as I came in the bond of #Friendshiploveandtruth #oddfellows #GrandUnitedOrderofOddfellows #oddfellow #threelinks #fraternal #brotherhood #amicitiaamoretveritas