From Ashes to Creation (2)
The South Carolina District No. 13 of Grand United Order of Odd Fellows in America
The Improved Order of Patriotic Odd Fellows (I.O. of P.O.F.)
The South Carolina District No. 13 of Grand United Order of Odd Fellows in America to was once a proud member of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows in America and Jurisdiction until it was attacked by the monthly board. Over the past eight (8) years South Carolina has been fighting a behind the scenes battling with the COM monthly board lead by Grand Secretary, Grand Treasure, and Grand Master of Grand United Order of Odd Fellows. The final straw that broke the bonds of friendship and brotherhood was the following:
- The COM monthly board cashing a check for eighteen (18) new lodges and four (4) Household of Ruth never given the charter or returning the funds for said lodges.
- The COM monthly board in seven years have not provide the paid charter for Mary Alice Parker Household of Ruth No.124.
- The COM monthly board in six years have not provide the paid charters for two of South Carolina District No. 13 of Grand United Order of Odd Fellows in America in Hartsville and Rockhill SC.
- The COM monthly board attempted to remove the District Grand Master of South Carolina District No. 13 of Grand United Order of Odd Fellows in America without a charge or trial and knowing that the state is incorporated and a 501 C3 state.
- The COM monthly board currently is attempting to remove members from South Carolina District No. 13 of Grand United Order of Odd Fellows in America and Florence Lodge which both of them being incorporated separately and under the 501 C3 of the state.
- The COM monthly board making Mary Alice Parker Household of Ruth No.124 pay for its four (4) new Households twice.
- Grand Secretary of Grand United Order of Odd Fellows offering a bribe South Carolina District No. 13 of Grand United Order of Odd Fellows in America that the COM monthly board will approve the 16 lodges if we agree not to vote in Aug. 2022 so that they can do as the planned.
- Grand Secretary of Grand United Order of Odd Fellows threat that if not agree to his terms they want be approved, but they cashed the check the same day they received it off a 501 C3 bank account.
- South Carolina District No. 13 of Grand United Order of Odd Fellows in America then reported the issues to the other two monthly board members and then the real attacks began by the COM monthly board of Grand Master, Grand Treasure, and Grand Secretary of Grand United Order of Odd Fellows to discredit South Carolina, its District Master, and to break up South Carolina 23 lodges.
These things and more we found offensive to the state of South Carolina from leadership the COM monthly board lead by Grand Master, Grand Treasure, and Grand Secretary of Grand United Order of Odd Fellows. Because of these offences we formed The Improved Order of Patriotic Odd Fellows (I.O. of P.O.F.) under the South Carolina District No. 13 of Grand United Order of Odd Fellows in America and its 501 C3. We now can spread Friendship. Love, and Truth as well as Peace, Happiness, and Prosperity across the country. We now can open states with no interference. Currently we have 12 states and growing quietly but strongly.
Lastly, we know some want to believe these facts as they rather believe the worst of those, they don’t know than the worst of those they know. But we will keep telling the facts to clear the lies being told.
Thank you for reading.
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