Patriarchy History

The Military Branch of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows and Jurisdiction. Brother Joseph C. Bustill of Philadelphia, who was Grand Treasurer of the Sub-Committee of Management in 1885, was founder and father of the Patriarchy. Philadelphia patriarchy No. 1 (the first Patriarchy) was set up on May 5, 1873, upon the application of Past Grand Masters’ Council No. 2 of Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia Patriarchy # 1 organized the first Auxiliary. at the 7th Biennial Session of the Grand Patriarchy of America in Cleveland, Ohio, September 1-13, 1932 in conjunction with the 7th B.M.C.

Patriarchy # 9, of Baltimore, MD presented the Proposition establishing Auxiliaries be known was the Daughters of the Brigade (or Regiments) and the same was adopted. The Committee of Management approved the same in January 1955. The Nurse’s Unit was organized in 1933 by 18th Patriarchy Regiment.

Grand Patriarchy Now

Branch mission and responsibility: The Military Branch of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows and Jurisdiction is responsible for the defenders of Order responsible for professionalism and escorting Most Honorable Grand Master.

 Oldest Unit: Patriarchy # 6, Baltimore MD organized 1877

  • Newest Unit: Patriarchy # 638, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Dress attire: Military Uniforms