The greatest gift we can give to people comes from the first level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, food, shelter, and clothing…..I am honored to be in the company and fellowship of @ibn_dawu and the #GrandUnitedOrderofOddfellows of #Virginia……The brethren never fail to give back despite the fact that we are so few in numbers. The brethren of #pilgrimlodge1651 provided the homeless with clothing food coats a warm shower and a warm place to sleep out of the cold…..The brethren also take time out of their busy schedules to visit with those who society has forgotten…

Partnering with Douglass Park elementary in Portsmouth they will be sponsoring 17 families with Thanksgiving dinner. Partnering with Leotis’s they handed out more than 2000 Turkeys too! Pilgrim lodge was started December 26th 1874 in #PortsmouthVa ! These brothers are keeping their legacy alive through practical application of #Friendshiploveandtruth