The Odd Fellows brothers and Households of Ruth sisters shall work with the Female Enhancement Exchange (FEE). They would work together on the following services for young female mentoring program. They would include but not limited to the following:
- Assist in teaching girls to become ladies.
- Assist in teaching young females in becoming economically self-sufficient.
- Assist in the development of a pool of professional and community leaders to become mentors and role models for the young females in the FEE program.
- Assist with young female activities (ei. Sports, Lectures, and Leadership Training).
- Assist young ladies in obtaining high school diplomas, general education diplomas, vocational training, or higher education degree.
The Order shall form partnerships with other organizations within the area such as: School Systems, Churches, Tents, Fraternal Organizations, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), City Council, County Council, American Legion, Disabled American Veterans (DAV), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Businesses, and other Community Organizations. The donation of non-perishable goods, food and monetary offerings to establish and recognize organizations.
The Female Enhancement Exchange (FEE) is overseen by Odd Fellows Brothers and Households Sisters us of Order Social Service Committee. The FEE Programs Chairman shall always be chaired by a member of the Order with a Co-Chairman who is not part of the Order. This would foster a partnership with our Order and the communities we serve. The committee itself shall be a mixer of members from the Order and others leaders within the given areas. This program can only be active in areas where there is an Odd Fellows Lodge or Household of Ruth.