Octoberfest is our month long “Food Drive” whereby we will feed the community on the last Saturday afternoon of October. At our Octoberfest Banquet, we will donate all non- perishable goods to the local charity that is chosen for that year.
The Order shall form partnerships with other organizations within the area such as: School Systems, Churches, Tents, Fraternal Organizations, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), City Council, County Council, American Legion, Disabled American Veterans (DAV), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Businesses, and other Community Organizations. The donated of non-perishable goods, food, and monetary offerings to establish and recognize organizations.
The Octoberfest is overseen by us of Order Social Service Committee. The Octoberfest Program Chairman shall always be chaired by a member of the Order with a Co-Chairman who is not part of the Order. This would foster a partnership with our Order and the communities we serve. The committee itself shall be a mixer of members from the Order and others leaders within the given areas. This program can only be active in areas where there is an Odd Fellows Lodge or Household of Ruth.