District Grand Lodge No. 13 of  South Carolina Grand United Order of Odd Fellows in America

August 15, 2022, Board Meeting Results

Measure passed to request refund from  the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows in America Committee of Management (COM) a final request for the funds to be refunded for the 16 new lodges, for the funds to be refunded for 2 overdue charters ( Hartsville and Rockhill) paid for by the South Carolina District, for the funds to be refunded to Mary Alice Parker Household of Ruth for it’s Charter not received, and for the funds to be refunded for 4 Households of Ruth paid for by Mary Alice Parker Household of Ruth No. 124.

Measure pass to continue expanding into the other branches of Odd Fellows.

Measure pass to not allow any South Carolina Lodge and Household of Ruth under the incorporation to have a vote in the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows BMC for 2022.

Measure pass to adopt all the books copyrighted  though the Library of Congress. These books are the following:

  • General Laws, Rules, and Regulations of The Grand United Order of Odd Fellows in America and Jurisdiction
  • Instructional Manual for Set-Up of District Grand Lodge
  • Ritual Book One
  • Ritual Book Two
  • Ritual Book Three
  • Funeral Ceremony for the Lodge
  • Lectures of the Three Degrees
  • Past Grand Masters Council Ritual
  • Past Grand Masters Council Installation Ceremony of the Patriarchal Order
  • Past Grand Masters Council Funeral Ceremony
  • Patriarchal Order General Laws, Rules, and Regulations
  • Ritual of Patriarchal Order
  • General Laws, Rules, and Regulations of The Household of Ruth
  • Ritual The Household of Ruth
  • Ritual The Household of Ruth Instructions in The Three Degrees and Lectures
  • Funeral Ceremony for The Household of Ruth
  • Past Most Noble Governors Chamber General Laws, Rules, and Regulations of The Household of Ruth                Rules, and Regulations Governing the Woman’s Patriarchy Auxiliaries
  • Juvenile Book

All rights are copywrite under the book name A Compilation of Works of Grand United Order of Odd Fellows though the Library of Congress (Registration No, TXu 2-298-550). It also has been agreed to allow others to purchase a copy of the book.

Measure pass to launch the GUOOF TURTLES under the The Improved Order of Patriotic Odd Fellows (I.O. of P.O.F.)  under strict guidelines.

Measure pass to send thank you letters to both Hartsville Museum and South Carolina State Library for their help in digitizing the South Carolina District No. 13 million plus papers and posting them on the state library website. https://dc.statelibrary.sc.gov/handle/10827/41105?fbclid=IwAR3OjRMLsHqL9_PiJQK0zBxKk501FvG8EKXnsh35s99I-R8HW66OAbyLXo4

Measure was liked by the board of directors for the completion of the 501 C3 tax paperwork turn into IRS.

Measure agreed and approved that all school campuses and military campuses that have a Lodge and Household is under the National body of The Improved Order of Patriotic Odd Fellows (I.O. of P.O.F.).

Measure approved for the final version of the charters for the various branches of The Improved Order of Patriotic Odd Fellows (I.O. of P.O.F.).

Next monthly meeting in September.