
Jersey Oddfellowship

James W. Wynder, one of the oldest and respected citizens of Bridgeton, after an illness of nine weeks died at his home on the Bowentown road on Wednesday night, Oct. […]

District 13 Welcomes it’s newest Oddfellows!

With the pandemic literally decimating life as we once knew it, I must say how fortunate we are to have innovators ! Through the internet and zoom we have made […]

We are Growing in Virginia

Congratulations to bro David and the newest additions to Henrico Lodge #1994 out of Richmond, VA !! With individuals showing more interest in our shared pasts, I am totally convinced […]

From the ashes of the Civil War to Political Circles We were there!

  From the beginning, I have found nothing but the finest of individuals amongst our ranks and their service and contributions are immeasurable.  The Grand United Order of Oddfellows in […]

Another fine example of Columbia SC’s Oddfellows

              🔗Bro. Eugene Avery Adams🔗 Bro. Adams was a leader in civic, religious and educational affairs. He was born in Cokesbury and was a […]

Diamond Cut Tattoo Company….Oddfellows Tattoo Society celebrate 5yrs

It goes without saying that the brethren of Wayman Lodge 1339, (who work together) have built up a strong kinship through their creativity and common interests.   The Diamond Cut Tattoo […]


View this post on Instagram It pains me to search far and wide matching names to records of our members only to find that they have already transcended this world…….What […]

Grand United Order Of Oddfellows in our name…

May  26, 2019 ODD FELLOWSHIP The Grand United Order of Odd Fellows is a unique fraternal organization that is based on principles that were established so long ago, that its […]

South Carolina’s Oddfellows are moving up and out !

As the title states,  I am pleased to inform everyone of our latest news ! Firstly, congrats are in order for Bro. Supreme Page jr for being appointed by the […]

Brother Ransom W. Westberry

Bro. Ransom W. Westberry, was born July 1871 in Horatio,Sumter County, SC His childhood was split between working the farm and attending some grade school. Later, he attended Benedict College […]