Greetings from the brethren of Wayman Lodge #1339 of Columbia, SC!!! We have been fighting the good fight for the cause despite the major setbacks of the current pandemic and hoped that maybe sharing this will inspire the rest of our brethren and sisters to do the same. PNG Supreme Page and NG Jarrett Jenkins just happened upon a cause that required action! The 501c3 non profit Big Homie Lil Homie which ” is a mentoring initiative to assist in uplifting our young males by molding and shaping them into GREAT men of society. Within this program, we conduct male outings, discussions, and activities geared towards them in a positive light”.
Upon finding out more about the group and conversations with it’s founder, we decided to show our heart-in-hand and we gave them all the gifts we had stored for the upcoming Christmas season.
This is only the beginning of a positive relationship with us and them ! We look forward to finding new ways to impact the lives of our youth and this non-profit organization is another root planted for us to again become a tree of life here in Columbia! In the bond of friendship love and truth we will continue on our path of righteousness! If you want to donate something just let us know……